Introducing the PTE2500A

The PTE2500 Electric Fence Station combines all our great technology in one secure, waterproof enclosure. It comes with a JMB25 ZM2 which with 25 Joules output, is capable of energising a multi-wire exclusion electric fence on your boundary for up to 20km, 10km in each direction. The ZM2 also monitors the two "zones" using our Distant Fault Detection (DFD), power monitor technology. The energizer/monitor is connected to our Cellular Gateway which reports to our Cloud Router™. The Cloud Router can then notify you via SMS or email when there is a fault on your fence. You can login at anytime to see the live fence voltages to check on your fence. While it is specifically designed for boundary exclusion fencing, Fence Stations can also be used for normal electric fencing. They can be placed in the middle of a large property to power many km of internal fencing.