To connect to the VKP, scan the QR code on the side of the energizer. Alternately scan for Wi-Fi networks within 15 meters of the MBxL energizer. Connect to the “IPE_xxxxxx” where “xxxxxx” is the serial number (found on the back of the device). For example “IPE_500123”. Hint: Some smartphones require the mobile data to be disabled to use this Wi-Fi network without an internet connection. If you are not automatically redirected to the VKP, use a browser to go to
This page is the main interface. It allows control and diagnosis of fence faults, this is available without any internet connection. This page is available within 15m of the unit (Wi-Fi range).
This page is the Device Settings interface. It is designed to give the user the ability to control specific functional settings, it is accessed from the "Device Settings" button in the home page
“Save Settings” button must be pushed when changes are made, otherwise they will be returned to previous settings when navigating back to Main Menu. The alarm settings (Voltage Alarm, Energy Alarm, Supply Alarm) are for Cloud Router and for VKP homepage alarm display only. To set IPEC alarm thresholds, use the settings in the IPEC app
For connecting your energizer to a cloud service, there are two options, IPEC & Cloud Router
Change the Gateway option to choose the cloud service. If using IPEC you
can change the password from the default value
Requires internet access
This page is the Wi-Fi Settings interface, it allows connection to a cloud service (Cloud router or IPEC), it is accessed from the "Wi-Fi Settings" button in the home page
To connect to a network, either select your network through scanning, or directly type in the access point SSID and password (if applicable)
The energizer's Wi-Fi connection status is displayed on the LCD screen of the energizer
Code: | Description: |
IP1 | No Wi-Fi Settings found, ready for configuration |
IP2 | Wi-Fi Settings Entered, attempting connection |
IP3 | Connection to Wi-Fi Access Point achieved |
IP4 | Energizer is connected with Cloud Server |
Looking for a simplified interface, on and off buttons plus push notifications for fence faults? IPEC is the app for this.
Looking for more detailed information, including logging, email notifications and PC browser support? CloudRouter is the platform for this.
Both applications require an internet connection and are available on both Android and iOS, but only CloudRouter is supported via a web browser on a PC (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc). For more information click the links below for a guide.
Click here for guide
Click here for guide